Saturday, September 5, 2009

Finally, an Original Romantic Comedy!!! (500) Days of Summer Review

(click the title to see the trailer)

Hello there everyone, Day the Movie Freak here :) I saw (500) Days of Summer about a week or so ago, and let me just say, I was impressed. Men, do not fear! Another chick flick is not here! You’d think it’s a total ooey-gooey love story, right? Wrong. There is a certain charm and originality to this film that will capture you from the first minute.
Meet Tom (Joseph Gordon-Levitt), a young hopeless romantic looking for “the one”. Meet Summer (Zooey Deschanel), a girl who isn’t looking for a long term relationship and does not believe in true love. The movie doesn’t follow a typical chronological format. Instead it takes us to different days over the course of Tom and Summer’s five hundred day relationship. One morning while Tom is at work, he is introduced to his boss’s new secretary who, big shock, is Summer! Tom stares at her awestruck and falls for her immediately. I’m surprised one of Cupid’s arrows wasn't lodged in his ass. It then takes us to about three hundred days later, with Tom completely heart broken. The cause? Summer broke up with him. Flashback to the first hundred days. Tom and Summer eventually develop a close bond leading them into a confusing yet intimate relationship. As the movie progresses Tom falls even harder for Summer and is convinced that this love will last forever. However, it’s obvious from Summer’s actions that she is not as confident. Will the two live happily ever after? Or are their opinions of love just too different?
Sounds corny? I suppose, but the humor is enough to make even Ben Stein laugh out loud. It’s cute, awkward, and quirky. Are there little lovey dovey scenes? Yes. But then again I’m a sucker for that stuff. Joseph Gordon-Levitt, whom you might recognize from 10 Things I Hate About You, is perfect as Tom. He creates the character to be somewhat of a love-struck puppy. I certainly hope Cupid didn't hit anyone as hard as he hit him. That kind of adoration can cause brain damage. The way he cares about Summer would make any girl envious. His positive attitude is irresistibly captivating. Well played. Zooey Deschanel, whom you might recognize from Yes Man, and The Happening, is well cast as Summer. C’mon, it’s Zooey Deschanel, from the start you’ve got to love her. Zooey’s quirkiness was perfect for the role of Summer. Thumbs up on the acting.
Critiques? The music. My god, did an elephant die? No wait, that’s Zooey Deschanel’s attempt at singing, sorry, my bad. Stick with your acting career, dear. The opening credits music was hard to sit through…same with the other touching montage scenes.
Overall this movie gets three stars. Cute plot, amazing acting, …not going to comment on the music selection, and an originality that is rarely seen in romantic comedies these days. Kudos.

RATING: * * *
Three out of four stars

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