Monday, November 9, 2009

The Next Blair Witch Project? Paranormal Activity Review

It seems that every ten years or so there’s some low-budget horror movie that comes out of the woodwork and becomes a cult classic. The Blair Witch Project was a 1999 horror film about three students going out into the forest to film a documentary for a college project. In the vast forest, the young adults encounter numerous supernatural experiences. The film was made on a budget of approximately $500,000-750,000. Compared to most films, let me just tell you, that’s not a lot. It soon became a cult classic (you may have heard it referenced in Juno). Now, ten years later, comes Paranormal Activity. Want to try guessing the budget? $11,000. That’s less than most of the cars in the student parking lot. And get this: Micah Sloat and Katie Featherston, the films two stars, were paid only $500 dollars each. Originally filmed in 2007 the film only gained popularity the past few months, being aired in selective theatres October 9, then nationally October 16. So far the film has grossed about $91 million dollars. So what is it about this movie that made it so famous?
Welcome to happy, sunny, suburban San Diego. Micah and Katie are a happy, young couple (“engaged to be engaged” as they put it) ready to start a life together. The film, shot documentary style by Micah, revolves around Katie. Since she was a young girl a strange entity haunts her sporadically in her sleep. They call a psychic to the house to find out the cause of Katie’s sudden increase in ghostly visits. He informs the couple that Katie may be plagued with a demon that will follow her wherever she goes. Micah, excited by the supernatural events, decides to set up a video camera in their room as they sleep (the scary stuff happens at night, go figure). As time progresses the haunting becomes worse and worse, leading the couple to fight more. Strange sounds are heard, doors slam shut without warning, and inhuman footsteps are found in the hallway. Can Micah and Katie rid themselves of the demonic force?
The reason you decided to read this review is either because a) you wanted to know if it was “scary”, or b) you were bored. If you fall under category a) let me answer your question. The movie has gathered a lot of different reception. Some thought it was so terrifyingly scary that they clung to their friends, shrieking in the movie theatre (wow, a little bit of an overreaction, but alright). Some called it terrible and amateur. Listen, guys, don’t expect Texas Chainsaw Massacre here, that’s not what this movie is about. This movie is about the suspense of unseen demons. It’s kind of like Jaws, in that the suspense is the key that makes it scary. It leaves a lot up to imagination. What do I think personally? It’s not that scary (…excluding a few scenes towards the end). The “paranormal activity”, so to say, is just that. Paranormal. Sorry, no gore. Despite the lack of action and Orlando Bloom/Megan Fox type actors and actresses, I thought this was a pretty good movie for what its worth. It had a creepy plot, and (not going to lie) the ending scene kept me up the night after watching it. The acting? Well sorry, you don’t have Morgan Freeman quality here but it was decent…well, besides the psychic. My god, I think even Ben Stein could’ve added more emotion to that role (and that’s saying something). Newcomer’s Micah Sloat and Katie Featherston did a good job acting though, thumbs up to them.
Is this the movie the scariest film I’ve ever seen? Does it have an amazing plot? Not the scariest, not amazing, but I’d say its somewhere on par (and par is pretty darn good for the film industry these days). My rating? Two and a half stars. Want to formulate your own opinion? Grab a friend, get some popcorn. Go see Paranormal Activity!
My Rating: * * ½

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