Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Hi guys!
I know its been a while since my last review and I've been trying to update it. I've been meaning to write a review on District 9 and Inglorious Basterds but I've been quite busy lately. SOOOO I hope to have that up sometime this upcoming weekend. Sorry for the delay!
-Day the Movie Freak :)

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Finally, an Original Romantic Comedy!!! (500) Days of Summer Review

(click the title to see the trailer)

Hello there everyone, Day the Movie Freak here :) I saw (500) Days of Summer about a week or so ago, and let me just say, I was impressed. Men, do not fear! Another chick flick is not here! You’d think it’s a total ooey-gooey love story, right? Wrong. There is a certain charm and originality to this film that will capture you from the first minute.
Meet Tom (Joseph Gordon-Levitt), a young hopeless romantic looking for “the one”. Meet Summer (Zooey Deschanel), a girl who isn’t looking for a long term relationship and does not believe in true love. The movie doesn’t follow a typical chronological format. Instead it takes us to different days over the course of Tom and Summer’s five hundred day relationship. One morning while Tom is at work, he is introduced to his boss’s new secretary who, big shock, is Summer! Tom stares at her awestruck and falls for her immediately. I’m surprised one of Cupid’s arrows wasn't lodged in his ass. It then takes us to about three hundred days later, with Tom completely heart broken. The cause? Summer broke up with him. Flashback to the first hundred days. Tom and Summer eventually develop a close bond leading them into a confusing yet intimate relationship. As the movie progresses Tom falls even harder for Summer and is convinced that this love will last forever. However, it’s obvious from Summer’s actions that she is not as confident. Will the two live happily ever after? Or are their opinions of love just too different?
Sounds corny? I suppose, but the humor is enough to make even Ben Stein laugh out loud. It’s cute, awkward, and quirky. Are there little lovey dovey scenes? Yes. But then again I’m a sucker for that stuff. Joseph Gordon-Levitt, whom you might recognize from 10 Things I Hate About You, is perfect as Tom. He creates the character to be somewhat of a love-struck puppy. I certainly hope Cupid didn't hit anyone as hard as he hit him. That kind of adoration can cause brain damage. The way he cares about Summer would make any girl envious. His positive attitude is irresistibly captivating. Well played. Zooey Deschanel, whom you might recognize from Yes Man, and The Happening, is well cast as Summer. C’mon, it’s Zooey Deschanel, from the start you’ve got to love her. Zooey’s quirkiness was perfect for the role of Summer. Thumbs up on the acting.
Critiques? The music. My god, did an elephant die? No wait, that’s Zooey Deschanel’s attempt at singing, sorry, my bad. Stick with your acting career, dear. The opening credits music was hard to sit through…same with the other touching montage scenes.
Overall this movie gets three stars. Cute plot, amazing acting, …not going to comment on the music selection, and an originality that is rarely seen in romantic comedies these days. Kudos.

RATING: * * *
Three out of four stars

Friday, September 4, 2009

Must See Movies of Summer 09'

This was written before summer started (wowzers that's a shock!!!) XD

Summer 09’ seems like a promising season for some great movies. May, June, July, August, all those lazy hazy crazy months should include a few trips to the movies! Get up off the couch, your soaps can wait. Grab a few friends and see a few of these upcoming movies…
X-Men Origins: Wolverine
Fan of the X-Men? Eh, a little weird for my taste, but Hugh Jackman’s pretty awesome. I mean c’mon, Wolverine’s claws are beastly…literally.
Terminator Salvation
Sorry, no Arnold Swartzenagger this time around. But hey, is that Batman fighting robots? Christian Bale takes on the role of John Connor, a rebel fighting against the threat of powerful computer intelligence attacking the planet. Lots of special affects? Yes. Kickass storyline? Yes. Christian Bale with a six pack? YES!
Pixar holds high hopes for this next children’s film….if you actually have interest in seeing it though, I suggest taking a younger sibling as to not totally embarrass yourself.
Angels and Demons
Ahh, another Dan Brown book brought to the big screen. Robert Langdon (Tom Hanks) battles against a society of church-haters attempting to destroy the Vatican in this ticking-bomb thriller. Let’s just hope this one’s more satisfying than The DaVinci Code.

Star Trek
Can’t wait to see this one (yes I’m a bit of a nerd)! Kirk, Spock, and the USS Enterprise gang are back in this action-packed sci-fi film. Plus, Sylar from Heroes is playing Spock? Score!
Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen
Shia LaBeouf? $200 million budget? Yup, definitely seeing this one. And yes boys, Megan Fox is back playing LaBeouf’s girlfriend, don’t worry.
My Sister’s Keeper
The tragic tale of a family trying to save a terminally ill child hits the big screen this summer. Based off of Jodie Picoult’s best selling novel, this one is bound to jerk a few tears.
The Proposal
Sandra Bullock plays a bitchy Canadian bug-up-her-ass boss who schemes to marry her assistant (Ryan Reynolds) so that she doesn’t get deported. This romantic comedy looks cute…maybe not a Miss Congeniality, but it’ll do.
Year One
Want to see Jack Black and Michael Cera run around as cavemen clad lunatics? See this wacky comedy.

Public Enemies
Johnny Depp is taking thievery a step up from raiding pirate ships and running chocolate factories. Now he’s portraying John Dillinger, the most legendary bank robber of the 1930’s. Depp’s not equip with a sword and funky pirate hat this time, but I think we’ll live.
Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince
FINALLY! Harry (Daniel Radcliffe), Ron (Rupert Grint), Hermione (Emma Watson) and all their Hogwarts classmates are back. In the sixth installment of the groundbreaking series, Dumbledore exposes Harry to the origin of our dear Lord Voldy’s past. Not only does Harry have to battle his arch enemy, he also has to deal with the confusion and conflict of teenage angst. Let’s hope Harry knows how to keep his wand in his cloak!
Borat’s back…in…spandex!?!?!? Comedian Sacha Baron Cohen is back to spread more of his vulgar creative genius. This one should be interesting…
I Love You, Beth Cooper
A nerdy valedictorian professes his love to the school’s most popular cheerleader (Hayden Panettiere) at graduation. The two later go on to have one of the craziest nights of their life, filled with lots of post grad partying and all that jazz. Looks like a cute movie…and Hayden Panettiere broke up with Milo Ventimiglia (THANK GOD!) so I no longer have a grudge to see her movies.

Funny People
From the creator of The 40 Year Old Virgin and Knocked Up (Judd Apatow) is a bitter sweet story of a man diagnosed with a terminal illness (Adam Sandler). Although the plot seems sad, actor Seth Rogen plays a goofy comedian who befriends Sandler, making the movie a wee bit more humorous and raunchy.
Julie and Julia
Meryl Streep AGAIN? How many movies can this woman possibly be in!?!? Anyway, this comedy is about the obsession a secretary has for Julia Child, the famous chef. Eh…
The Time Traveler’s Wife
Rachel McAdams (Mean Girls, The Notebook, Red Eye) plays the wife of a man who bounces back and forth between time periods (Eric Bana). The story follows the doomed relationship of Claire (McAdams) and Henry (Bana) and the difficulties that come with his ability to time travel. It seems a bit weird to me but at least the plot’s unique.
Inglorious Basterds
This revenge film is about Jewish-American soldiers sent to spread havoc among German troops in Nazi-run France. It’s directed by Quentin Tarantino, who’s known for weird and violent movie such as Kill Bill, Pulp Fiction, Reservoir Dogs, and others. So what’s Quentin got in store for us now? I guess we’ll see.
Post Grad
Welcome back Rory Gilmore! Alexis Bledel, known for her role on the show Gilmore Girls, plays a young college student who comes home to her wild family. When she arrives home she meets up with her long time best friend, played by Zach Gilford, who secretly has had a crush on her for years. This movie looks adorable, plus Alexis Bledel is in it and I’m a big fan of Gilmore Girls. Can’t wait to see it!

Alrighty so this summer we have a good mix of romantic comedies, action thrillers, sci-fi adventures, the whole shebang. Go to the nearest theatre and go see some movies (but remember to study for

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Trekkie's Rejoice

This was written prior to the film's release, so it's more a sneak preview than a review. Enjoy!!!

The 1960’s television phenomenon is back. For those of you who are not familiar with Star Trek (which honestly is quite hard to believe), it was one of the most popular television shows of the sixties. Premiering in 1966, the science fiction show revolved around the adventures of the USS Enterprise and its crew. The flighty Captain Kirk (William Shatner) was accompanied by his stoic Vulcan friend Spock (Leonard Nimoy), and fellow crew members Scotty, Bones, Uhura, Sulu and Chekov. The show was revolutionary in its time, capturing audiences with its groundbreaking special effects and enticing plot line. Although Star Trek: The Original Series ended in 1969, there were numerous shows which followed. They include: Star Trek: The Next Generation, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, Star Trek: Voyager, and Star Trek: Enterprise. There were also several films created. The show has gathered a huge following over the years (intense fans referred to as “Trekkies”) and is still prosperous in its merchandising today.
So what’s the big deal about Star Wars now in 2009? J. J. Abrams (who some of you may know as the producer of Cloverfield and writer of the hit television show Lost) has taken the enormous task of directing the newest installment to the phenomenon: Star Trek. Expected to be one of the biggest hits of the year, the science fiction film comes out in theatres May 8, 2009. The plot revolves around the characters of Star Trek: The Original Series (i.e. Captain Kirk, Spock). It’s somewhat of a prequel to the series however, as the plot is all about Captain Kirk’s start. So do you have to know every single detail of the series to understand the movie? Nope not really. A little background information may be useful but because the film is a prequel, it sets it all up for you. You may be thinking that Star Trek is nerdy and something a forty year old comic book geek living with is mother would watch, but this action packed movie is bound to attract viewers of all ages. With groundbreaking special effects and a well picked cast, this film seems like it’ll be a pretty big hit.
So what’s this movie about? No one’s quite sure yet, but I’ve got somewhat of an idea from the trailer. The movie is supposed to take place before the events in Star Trek: The Original Series. Set in a futuristic atmosphere, James T. Kirk (Chris Pine) is a young man without ambition wondering what he will do with his life. Convinced that he must follow in his father’s footsteps, Kirk attends academy training to become part of the Starfleet. There he meets up with all of the members of his future crew such as Spock (Zachary Quinto). The USS Enterprise runs into some trouble however with the Romulan enemy Nero (Eric Bana) and young naive Kirk takes action.
The cast seems to be well selected. Chris Pine (The Princess Diaries Two: Royal Engagement, Just My Luck) seems well fit to play the emotional and stubborn Captain Kirk. Plus, he’s not the worst looking actor in the world. I think whoever cast Zachary Quinto as Spock is a genius because they look so similar! He’s just PERFECT for the role, and I can’t wait to see the performance he gives. Quinto is also in the hit television series Heroes as Sylar, the show’s antagonist. Some of you may know John Cho, the actor who plays Sulu, because he was in movies such as Nick and Nora’s Infinite Playlist, and Harold and Kumar Go to White Castle. It will be interesting to see Eric Bana (Black Hawk Down, The Other Boleyn Girl) play Nero, the fierce enemy of the USS Enterprise. I didn’t really picture him in the role, and I’m interested in seeing how well he acts.
I’m not too much of a Trekkie myself, although I have watched a few of the original Star Trek episodes. Watching it now is a bit corny because of the special effects and somewhat hammy acting (blame can be put on William Shatner for that one), but the show was actually quite good. I’m very excited to see the new Star Trek movie and I hold high expectations for it. If you want to see the trailer or find out any more information, just go to If you’re looking to see a fun, action packed, sci-fi thriller, I highly suggest seeing this soon to be classic.

Best Movie of the Year? The Curious Case of Benjamin Button

Ehh...this wasn't one of my best, but here ya go:
(FYI: this was written before the Academy Awards, hence the "can it win best picture?")

In 1921, F. Scott Fitzgerald wrote a short story about a simple man. The man had normal wants, normal needs, and normal dreams. His name was Benjamin Button, and he was born with the appearance and health of an eighty year old man. Now in 2008, Eric Roth (who wrote the screenplay for Forrest Gump) resurrected the story and brought it to the big screen. Directed by David Fincher, the film incorporates many different elements throughout the twentieth century. Time spans from the end of the First World War to the terrible tragedy of Hurricane Katrina. It tells the story of Benjamin, his “curious” life, and all the people whom he loved along the way.
It all starts with a dying old woman in a New Orleans Hospital, Daisy Fuller (Cate Blanchett), requesting her daughter to read her a diary of a man named Benjamin Button (Brad Pitt). Born the day World War I ended, his mother died while giving birth to him while his father abandoned him on the steps of a nursing home. He is discovered by Queenie, an African-American attendant at the nursing home. She takes him in and treats him as her own child as Benjamin grows in the body of a feeble old man. He befriends young Daisy, the granddaughter of one of the nursing home patients. The two bond and develop a strong friendship. The story then travels through the various ups and downs of his life as he discovers that he ages backwards. He joins the navy during World War II and has an affair with a lonely woman named Elizabeth (Tilda Swinton). He returns home and discovers that Daisy is now a famous ballerina, swept up in her youth. The story continues throughout the various decades. It narrates the love between Daisy and Benjamin and how, eventually, Benjamin becomes and young child and Daisy becomes an old woman.
The movie was written by the same guy who did Forrest Gump, so you have to expect there to be certain similarities. The classic “Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you’re gonna get” phrase is amended to “You never know what’s comin’ for ya”. The plots are alike in that both are about men who lead extraordinary lives and narrate their life story. Both intertwine historical elements to the plot. Personally I prefer Forrest Gump to Benjamin Button, mainly because Forrest Gump has a bit more of a humorous tone. Despite this, I thought Benjamin Button was one of the best movies of the year.
I actually saw this movie twice. Once I went with my family, the other time I went with a friend. I had no problem seeing it despite that it’s almost three hours long. Two pieces of advice: 1) Get something to eat and drink, trust me, you’ll need it. 2) …Go to the bathroom before the movie. This is one of those “Oh my God, I really have to go but I don’t wanna miss a scene!” type movies, so make a trip to the restroom prior to sitting down.
I can honestly say that I really enjoyed Benjamin Button. Brad Pitt (Ocean’s Thirteen, Babel) delivers an amazing performance (a bit different than Mr. and Mrs. Smith of course) as Benjamin. My only critique would be that his personality was a bit bland. That…and I can’t stop picturing him in Mr. and Mrs. Smith. Cate Blanchett (Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, The Aviator) plays the emotional and spontaneous Daisy. She does a phenomenal job because Daisy’s character can be a bit flighty and immature at time. Not only the acting was great but so was the makeup job! They made both Benjamin and Daisy look either extremely old or strong and youthful. They also were able to put Brad Pitt’s face onto the body of a little old man using CGI technology.
I found the movie, which greatly averted from the original plotline of the short story, to be greatly moving and captivating. The story is very unique and I think that the idea of a man aging backwards is quite interesting. It’s a long film but I didn’t get bored once throughout the duration of the movie. I always find the history intertwined with it really interesting as well, such as when the Beatles are playing on TV when Benjamin and Daisy are settling in their new home. Did I think the movie was amazing? No, but I do think it was a great movie that will be remembered for decades to come.
So what does the public have to say about it? A freshman at my high school greatly enjoyed the movie. “Although I favor the F. Scott Fitzgerald short story better, I really liked the movie. I love how they incorporated Hurricane Katrina into the plot as well. Great story and great acting.” He gave the movie three out of four stars. Another freshman also praised the film highly. “The movie was really good, even though it wasn’t like the short story. It was really long, but definitely worth it,” she said. Another student who attends a school in the city gave her feedback on the movie. “I thought the movie was great! It was a little long but it keeps you captivated the entire time. The events that transpire are quite interesting. I recommend reading the short story if you liked the movie.” The movie was also highly acclaimed by newspapers and movie reviewers. One writer of The New York Observer stated that the movie was “brilliantly directed and acted.”
Okay so my final breakdown on the movie: three out of four stars. This isn’t the greatest movie you’ll ever see, but it really is a tear jerker that grabs your attention from the very first minutes you start watching. Nominated for five Golden Globe awards and soon to be nominated for a few Oscars, you should get around to seeing this movie to form your own opinion on it. Can it win best picture? I think there’s a definite possibility it just might.

Greetings Earthlings :)

I'll start off by saying:
this isn't gonna be one of those gay blogs when it's like "TODAY I TOOK A SHIT IN MY PANTS, IT WAS GREAT!" ok? I see no point in that, it's like Twitter, get a life John Mayer. The purpose of this blog is for me to show all you lovely people out there my opinion of movies, tv shows, or maybe I'll get a little wild and even review a CD here and there. My main topic, however, will be movies.I don't know if it'll ever happen...but I would really like to become a movie reviewer. Hell, maybe one day I'll even write for Entertainment Weekly (my all time favorite magazine). I think this blog will help me "expand my skill as a writer!" *queue corny inspirational music*If you like this blog, please continue reading it :) I need all the support I can get.I'll start off by posting some reviews I did last year for my school newspaper. I apologize if they're about outdated, I'll try to write a few new ones soon.Anywayz, for now I must depart. Yes, I know, parting is such sweet sorrow. Thanx for reading :D
-Day the Movie Freak